Tuesday, June 5


Venus cuts across the sun in one of the rarest astronomical events - it won’t happen again for the next 105 years (photo from the AP). Only six transits of Venus observed since the advent of astronomical instruments, with the earliest known passage marked in 1639, says Joe Rao of NYC’s Hayden Planetarium . We are but a spec of dust and some peat moss, no more.

The Venus transit reminds me of the B movie "Pitch Black" starring Vin Dissel : A spaceship crash-lands on barren and hot desert-scape with sunlight from three suns.  When the planet engulfed in darkness by an eclipse, which happens every 22 years, the survivors hunted by the planet's flesh-eating alien inhabitants, as they come to the surface to hunt and eat all signs of life . ..

On the space alien theme, I was going to see Ridley Scott's "Prometheus", which is the pre-Story of "Alien", only Sonnet has to spend this evening at a speed-awareness course for a driving violation : she was going 36 mph in a 30mph zone (for Pete's sake). And this a bank holiday to boot.

Me: "What do you think of Aliens?"
Eitan: "What?"
Me: "Aliens, like do they exist?"
Eitan: "No."
Me: "You seem pretty confident."
Eitan: "Is this for your blog?"