Thursday, May 26


Madeleine finds use for a garden tool.

Me: "How was school?"
Madeleine: "I dunno."
Me: "Two words. Well done."
Eitan: "Actually it was four."
Madeleine: "I know, I will use 13 words to describe school today and Eitan will use 15. "
Me: "Don't hurt yourself."
Madeleine: "School was very very very very very very very very very very boring."
Madeleine: "Eitan's turn."
Eitan: "Today I went to school. At school I sat at my desk. At my desk I read a book."
Me: "Boy I feel like I was right there with you."
Eitan: "Did you count how many words I used?"
Me: "Hmm can you count the words in 'no dessert'? I count two."
Madeleine: "You are so mean. That is four. I win again."